Professor Mario Kafouros holds the Chair of International Business and Innovation at Alliance Manchester Business School (UK) and he is Associate Editor of the journal of International Business Review (IBR). He has extensive industrial and academic experience in the field of innovation and international business & strategy. Professor Kafouros is the former Head of the International Business Department at Leeds University Business School in the UK. He has served as a member of the Faculty Executive Group in the University of Leeds, as Director of Research, and as a member of the University of Leeds Cross-Faculty Impact Committee. He is the elected Secretary of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and sits on its Executive Committee (UK&I). His research has received strong recognition in the form of: (1) Best Paper Awards (2) funding from research councils, government organizations and multinational companies, and (3) Publications in leading international journals such as Journal of Management (JoM), Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Research Policy, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), and Journal of World Business (JWB).
Mario Kafouros