Advance SEM with LISREL – December 16th 2019
Prof. DDr. Adamantios Diamantopoulos
The purpose of this intensive one-day workshop is to discuss selected advanced topics in structural equation modeling (SEM) using the LISREL program. It is designed for academic researchers who have already had a basic exposure to SEM and wish to develop their skills at a more advanced level. The workshop assumes that participants have a sound knowledge of data analysis and multivariate statistics and, ideally, some prior experience with the LISREL program.
Download the workshop details here
Culture Research in IB – December 16th 2019
Prof. dr. Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
The purpose of this intensive one-day workshop is to discuss state of the art research on national cultural differences in IB. It is designed for academics interested in culture research in the multidimensional value based tradition (thus quantitative, not qualitative). This can be both experienced academics who have never been exposed to culture research yet do want to engage in culture research, and also young scholars who are working on their PhD in which a cultural component is present. The workshop assumes that participants have basic knowledge of multivariate statistics (factor-cluster analysis, regression analysis).
Download the workshop details here
Qualitative Case Study Research in International Business: Designing and Theorising from the Case Study
Rebecca Piekkari, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Catherine Welch
This workshop covers the diversity of qualitative case study research and provides resources for participants to consider and develop their own research practices. It also positions the use of case study research in the broader methodological evolution of the IB discipline over time.
Download the workshop details here
International Business Pedagogy Workshop
Tamer Cavusgil, Filip De Beule, Nukhet Vardar, Hinrich Voss, Attila Yaprak
This workshop provides a forum to learn about the latest innovations in case study thinking, to discuss case study development and related student assessment and also to share good practice.
Case studies have been used in business education for decades. The rich context they are able to provide concerning the behaviour of firms offers students valuable insights into the complexity of business, provides students with a means to apply or test theories against real life scenarios and also creates opportunities for students to critically evaluate problems or outcomes and to come up with solutions.