In addition to the traditional competitive and interactive papers, we welcome posters to any of the conference tracks to be presented in a dedicated poster session. The poster session at EIBA 2019 is designed to push early-stage work towards high-impact contributions.
Here presenters will exhibit the poster they prepared in a large poster hall where all conference participants have the chance to walk by and engage in a fruitful conversation.
Additionally, and to provide the best possible experience to poster presenters, we have secured a large number of senior scholars who agreed to give feedback during the poster session.
There will be no activities parallel to the poster session. This means many additional scholars will be interested in discussing your ideas.
Participants who will present their poster at this session will receive a regular attendance mention in the conference booklet and are considered “active participants”. The abstracts of presented posters will be published in the conference proceedings.
Unless you have previously submitted a paper to EIBA which has then been accepted as a poster, all poster submissions are to be made to the poster track in the submission system. We welcome papers in all areas of IB.
The submission deadline for posters is Monday, September 2nd, 2019.
Submissions must conform to the following guidelines:
- The submission format for posters is extended abstracts of maximum 1,500 words (including references and other appendices). Submissions exceeding this threshold will be rejected without exception.
- Additionally, in the submission system, you will be asked to summarize your poster in a short submission abstract (max 200 words). While this seems redundant, it is a prerequisite for the EIBA proceedings in which all poster abstracts will be published as well.
- Please make sure you remove ALL information from the abstract which might reveal your identity.
- All abstracts should be prepared in Adobe pdf.
- Please make sure the extended abstract outlines the research gap, its relevance, the theoretical basis, intended method, and (if existing) preliminary results.
Content, Layout and Presentation of the Actual Poster
Please make sure the poster you send or bring to Leeds fulfils the following criteria:
- Poster size is A0 (841×1189 mm) portrait (Large) or A1 (594x841mm) portrait (Small)
- Correct file to send is pdf
- All text on the poster is in English
- The poster is printed in portrait, not landscape format
- Print of title, authors, and affiliations is 3 cm, 2 cm, and 1 cm tall, respectively
- Poster contains contact information of the main author
- Poster is made of material that is easy to fix to posterboard with velcro
- All materials on the poster should be easily readable from more than 1 m away
For the presentation of your project and discussion with viewers, it is helpful if you prepare a 5 minutes presentation and bring business cards as well as sketch paper, sticky notes, pens, and markers for discussion.
Preparing Your Poster
In general, posters should be self-supporting. The presenter should only need to supplement or discuss particular points of inquiry. Make sure your poster is structured logically, from top to bottom or with a similar easy-to-follow logical structure. Please remember that people with diverse backgrounds and differing interests may be viewing your poster at the same time. Try to be as concise and brief as possible. Illustrations, graphics, and figures greatly increase readability. Make use of them extensively and minimize narrative and long paragraphs. Bullet lists are also a concise and effective way to communicate a series of points. An excellent poster is designed to:
- Attract attention
- Provide a concise overview of the key points of your work
- Initiate discussion
These steps are good practice in preparing a poster. Following them will help you get the most out of the poster session at EIBA, particularly if this is the first time you are participating in such a session.
- Create several initial sketches of the poster layout
- Choose the best layout and make a full-size draft (e.g. on a whiteboard)
- Have colleagues or peers give feedback on the poster draft
- Design final version and review digital version using a projector
- Print the final version
Please note that it is the authors’ responsibility to put the poster up in the designated poster area at EIBA 2019 (and take it down at the end of the session).
Uploading Your Poster/Materials to Conftool to be Available to Conference Participants (THIS IS NOT FOR PRINTING!!!!)

We will be providing each poster presenter with a QR code that will allow conference participants to immediately view your materials. You will receive a card that contains your QR Code to be posted on your poster board. In addition, that code will be on the posters panel board and online to allow people to view your materials. What we recommend is that you upload your poster using the “upload final version” option on Conftool. We will then link this file to the QR code so that people can see what you are presenting. NOTE: If you want to put up additional materials rather than simply your poster, everything must be in one PDF file.
Instructions: (1) Create your Poster. (2) Save it as a PDF File (no PPT or DOC). (3) Log into Conftool (below). (4) Go to your Submission Contribution (i.e., what you submitted) and click on the submission itself to get to the next page with your submission details. On the “Actions” sidebar click “Upload Final” and up load your Poster Final Submission. Again we recommend uploading your completed poster (not your paper). If you want to add more to this (e.g., perhaps a table of statistics or something), it must all be in one file. The deadline for doing this is 1 December.
If you have issues with uploading your poster to the Conftool system simply send us the file with your submission number.
Having Your Poster Printed Locally in Leeds (THIS IS AN OUTSIDE SERVICE and is NOT related to what you upload to Conftool!)
We will be providing an opportunity for you to have your poster printed locally at the via the University Printing Centre. You can, of course, bring your poster with you as well. If you use this service, your poster will be printed at the University and delivered to you to be available for your assigned poster session on Saturday or Sunday. Your poster will be delivered to the University Refectory Mezzanine (where the poster sessions are taking place). Posters will all be labelled clearly with a reference number and name on so that you can identify yours. It is recommended you use an A0 size as this is larger. However, if you have a more concise presentation A1 may be sufficient.

Please note that this applies ONLY to the printing of the poster which meets the guidelines given previously in the section “Content, Layout and Presentation of the Actual Poster“. It is the POSTER ONLY.
The charge for this service is £25.50 for a basic A1 Poster and £32.50 for a basic A0 Poster.
Instructions: (1) Prepare your poster according to the guidelines given above in “Content, Layout and Presentation of the Actual Poster”; (2) Go to the University of Leeds Print Service at:; (3) Register by clicking “Login” on the right and create an account; (4) Choose a Print Shop (only one option is available but click it anyway); (5) Choose a Poster size and click “Buy Now”; (6) Upload your poster, choose the options and click “Update Preview”; (7) Choose any options and then “Add to Cart”; (8) Check out and pay.
As this is an outside service we will not be monitoring it. It is important that you do this early as the University Print Services will be quite busy at this time as it is approaching graduation and the examination period. The Deadline is 8 December 2019.