JP Roy and Holger Görg (Chairs)
The proliferation of global value chains (GVCs) is one of the hallmarks of today’s era of globalization. Production processes are no longer just concentrated within one production plant but are organized across a multitude of locations spanning the globe. This has implications for firms concerning the organization of production, as well as for host and home countries at large. As a result, there is growing interest in understanding those factors that determine a firm’s economic footprint and the management, coordination, and governance of the different functions across the GVC. This track invites contributions that look at these issues including (but not limited to): location decisions of international firms, location of different functions within the GVC, intra-firm trade, contractual arrangements within GVCs, customer-supplier linkages, technology transfer within GVCs, concerns about working conditions within the GVC, and implications of the GVC for management strategy, home and host country policies, and local firms.
Keywords: Global value chains; Global production networks; Global operations; Clusters and subnational regions; Disaggregation of value chains; Value chain coordination and dynamics; Outsourcing; Relocation of production.