Ilya Cuypers and Mario Kafouros (Chairs)
Over the last decades globalization has created numerous opportunities for MNEs. To exploit such opportunities MNEs need to design strategies that constructively exploit international diversity while managing the costs and frictions of diversity and cross-country differences. Recently, they face additional challenges as they also have to consider socio-political pressures against globalization in designing their strategies. We especially encourage papers that examine how this new reality influences firms’ global and regional strategies and the success of these strategies. Relevant topics for the Global Strategy Track include, but are not limited to, cross-border corporate or business strategy, foreign entry, joint ventures and alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and location strategies.
Keywords: global strategy, competitive strategy, mergers and acquisitions, international joint ventures and alliances, outsourcing, firm growth, MNE performance dynamic environments, environmental uncertainty, organizational learning, and upper echelons.