Helene Tenzer and Riki Takeuchi (Chairs)
This track seeks contributions exploring the challenges faced by people working in an international and cross-cultural business context. We invite papers studying key issues in the management of people in contemporary organizations (including but not limited to MNCs). Those issues encompass the full range of HR activities from selection and recruitment to training, performance management, compensation, retention, global and virtual team management as well as leadership development within the global business environment. We are particularly interested in papers on diversity management, global talent management and global leadership and submissions investigating the role of culture and language in IB. Papers submitted to this track may take individual, group or organizational perspectives. We welcome pure theory papers as well as theoretical advances supported by empirical studies, both qualitative and quantitative.
Keywords: Bicultural and multicultural identity; Careers in an international context; Cross-cultural communication; Cross-cultural management; Cultural intelligence; Diasporas; Diversity and inclusion; Dual careers in IB; Expatriate management; Gender issues across cultures; Global leader competencies; Global leadership; Global mindsets; Global staffing; Global talent management; Inpatriates; International HRM; International mobility; Language; Multicultural teams; Retention; Returnees; Strategic HRM in MNCs; Training and development; Virtual teams; Work-family issues.